Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Peking Opera

The Peking Opera is not really an "opera." It's more of a circus, with characters who juggle, kick swords and spears around in the air, jump over each other and do back-flips across the stage. Nonetheless, it's pretty awesome and definitely better than any circus I've ever been to. In addition to all of the tricks, there is an intriguing plot to the performance (albeit a slow-developing one). The style of singing is often considered "ugly" by Western standards, but I didn't think it was bad at all. All in all, I felt that it was a pretty a touristy experience. Definitely worth going to see, but touristy.

1 comment:

bryce said... looks great. Thanks for sharing your experiences. China takes on a new face when "one of us" is there relating experiences. The photos look good, the opera was very colorful...